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Women’s Mentoring Circle Dinner Series - An Evening With Mini Timmaraju

  • Friday, March 06, 2015
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)
  • Eatonville, 2121 14th St NW (U St - Green/Yellow)

Women’s Mentoring Circle Dinner Series - An Evening With Mini Timmaraju

Join SABA-DC’s Women’s Mentoring Circle in celebrating Women’s History Month with a conversation with Mini Timmaraju about her career path, politics and issues important to South Asian women.  Mini is currently the National Director for National Counsel for Asian Pacific Americans, a coalition of thirty-four national Asian Pacific American organizations which represent the interests of the greater Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities and strives to provide a national voice for AA and NHPI issues.


Mini is also a partner in Strategic Infrastructure LLC a Houston, Texas based, women owned, small business working with state and local governments. She most recently served as Chief of Staff for Congressman Ami Bera who is the only Indian American serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. Prior to this role, she served as Director of the Office of the President at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Over her 20 year career she has held numerous senior positions with state and local political and advocacy campaigns and organizations.


This is a SABA-DC Women's Mentoring Circle event, but all members and friends of SABA-DC are welcome to join.



Friday, March 6, 2015

6:30 p.m.




2121 14th St NW

Washington, DC 20009
2 blocks from U Street Metro (green/yellow line)

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Our goal is to address the needs and concerns of the South Asian American legal community in Washington, D.C. while providing our members with the knowledge and support necessary to reach their personal and professional goals.

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South Asian Bar Association of Washington, D.C.

P.O. Box 65349
Washington, D.C. 20035

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